I know this might get me in trouble but...
Why is it that so called "Christians" (I call them So called because the way some of the more extreme ones treat certain types of people) can get away with bashing gays, the media, hollywood and the like, but when you try to point out their faults, they get all upset and call anyone who disagress with them ungodly. Believe me, I'm a Christian, and I would never do anything like that. I respect all kinds of people.
Not all people who bash gays are Christians, but I can guarantee you that 100% of the gay-bashers are heterosexual. I share your viewpoint - people are people, but lighten up on the Christians, will ya? :-)
I don't think he's bashing all Christians, just those who claim to be "Good Christians" but end up treating those who don't fit in to their beliefs with contempt and (sometimes) violence. I think it's odd that I stumbled across this post. I'm half Japanese, and my father has had to put up with some problems growing up partly because he came from Japan to the US shortly after WWII, and partly because he's an Atheist. My mom is a Christian, but that never caused problems. While I was being raised, my mom wanted her children to be Christian, and my dad didn't object, so I was sent to Sunday School. While I was there, I was told (by one of the adults) that my father was going to Hell because he didn't accept Jesus Christ. I was around six or seven years old, and I decided that her God was not my God. The God that she worshipped was petty and cruel, and I couldn't see how He could love me if He were so fickle. I couldn't believe that this woman was telling me that my father was going to suffer for all eternity! If I were told that now, I don't think I'd pay very much attention to what the person was saying, but at six, I was angry! This "Good Christian" was bashing my "heathen" father! However, if I were to tell her that she were cruel for treating a child like that, I'm sure she would get uppity and would defend her grounds on the basis that she is a "Good Christian woman spreading the word of God."
I think the acts of a "Good Christian" should include acceptance of everybody. Every race, creed, and sexual preference. Conversion should be an exchange of ideas more than an "I'm right, you're wrong" argument. I have a friend whose parents are ministers, and he says their job is only to spread the word. Judgement is for the Lord. All they have to do is tell somebody about God, and if they don't convert, it doesn't matter. If they continue to sin, then so be it. No human can save a soul. That privilege is reserved for Jesus Christ.
My mother always said "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar," and I believe that this phrase should be used by followers of a religion that claim love and peace.
Hypocrites are the 'do as we say, but not as we do' people. Just ignore them, because you can't win an argument with them.
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