
Friday, June 24, 2022

A Sad Day In The History Of The US

The Supreme Court’s ruling has turned half of the United States population into second class citizens.  Be careful ladies!  If some Republicans had their way, you could be jailed for having a miscarriage.  It is your body, fight for it!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Stay Classy Republicans!

Sending death threats to old ladies who dared to be poll workers and the 5 month old son of a congressman of your own party who thinks that January 6 was an insurrection.  How low can you go?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

With Technology These Days…

You can’t get away with a lot of crime.  Dumb criminals insist on recording and posting their deeds online  for all to see, including the law.  Not very bright!

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

If I Were Running For Office…

Which I can’t because it takes money, here are some things I’d campaign on, not in any particular order:

1: No one is above or below the law

2: Women are not property, what she does with her body is her own business

3: Does someone marrying a member of the same sex cause me harm? NO!

4: You have a right to your religious beliefs, but you don’t have to right to force them on others.

5: There is nothing wrong with wanting the police to do their job and not kill innocents.

6:  Compromise is not a dirty word.

7:  You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your bills, having food, and affording medicine.

8: Time in the hospital shouldn’t force you into bankruptcy.

9: Corporations are not people.

10: Above corporations and millionaires should pay their fair share of taxes.

11: There is only a finite amount of fossil fuels left in the earth, renewables are the way.

12: It is not illegal to seek asylum.

13: We have a right to our opinion on our president, it is not unpatriotic to criticize them.

14 : We are all human, no matter what color, religion, or nationality we are.


Thursday, June 02, 2022

I Don’t Like These Gimmicks …

Used these days to determine overtime sports games.  I survived tied Hockey games and watching the Orioles play 18 inning games on the West Coast, which usually start at 10 PM my time and ended around 3 in the morning.  If they go to using a free throw contest to decide Basketball games, I give up!