
Wednesday, June 08, 2022

If I Were Running For Office…

Which I can’t because it takes money, here are some things I’d campaign on, not in any particular order:

1: No one is above or below the law

2: Women are not property, what she does with her body is her own business

3: Does someone marrying a member of the same sex cause me harm? NO!

4: You have a right to your religious beliefs, but you don’t have to right to force them on others.

5: There is nothing wrong with wanting the police to do their job and not kill innocents.

6:  Compromise is not a dirty word.

7:  You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your bills, having food, and affording medicine.

8: Time in the hospital shouldn’t force you into bankruptcy.

9: Corporations are not people.

10: Above corporations and millionaires should pay their fair share of taxes.

11: There is only a finite amount of fossil fuels left in the earth, renewables are the way.

12: It is not illegal to seek asylum.

13: We have a right to our opinion on our president, it is not unpatriotic to criticize them.

14 : We are all human, no matter what color, religion, or nationality we are.


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