
Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I will admit it, I am jealous becuase it seems all of my friends are getting married and I'm not. Through out my 33 years on this Earth, you'd think some person of the female persuasion would find me interesting, even though I'm fat and ordinary looking. Everyone says it'll happen when the time comes, but I dunno. I try to be nice to everyone, but it doesn't seem to help any. I am seriously beginning to think that that phrase God has someone for everyone may not be so true.


Anonymous said...

if it's any consolation, i met my fiance a couple of months before my 33rd birthday and getting married in june, 2 days before my 34th birthday and i'm a woman, with the supposed biological clock ticking and all the cr*p...*laugh*

chin'll find her :)

Anonymous said...

How many women do you know that realy want a man who does not drive, lives with his mother, never had a job or intends to ever get one. Wouldn't that be just like having a child that you had to do everything for and support? Why not just get a pet? Besides, who wants to live with the "in-laws"?

Anonymous said...

How many women do you know that realy want a man who does not drive, lives with his mother, never had a job or intends to ever get one. Wouldn't that be just like having a child that you had to do everything for and support? Why not just get a pet? Besides, who wants to live with the "in-laws"?