
Thursday, August 05, 2004

My Friend Jewels

A couple of days ago, I recieved what I think was the best email I've ever recieved. It came from my friend Jewels. She has got to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met! I had emailed her asking advice on how to forgive the lady that caused my Mom's accident. Although she did quote some scripture, she didn't preach to me. He advice was from the heart. She said that I had to forgive, or else it would eat me alive. I have known Jewels now for over 2 years I think. I admire her for her courage in overcoming all the problems she's had in her life. She truly has a strong relationship with God. Jewels, I tip my hat to ya, and thanks for being such a good friend!:)

1 comment:

Jaileigh said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww shucks Billy. I'm just glad that God was able to use me to help you. I consider it a great honor to be used in that capacity. You're a special guy in my book and you're always in my prayers.