
Thursday, June 23, 2005

What Has Happened To My Country?

It's sad that we as Americans are slowly losing our freedom of speech in the name of safety. We can no longer criticize Bush and the government without being called unpatriotic. Are we getting so paranoid, that we are forgetting the rights on which this country was founded?


Anonymous said...

Have you ever had anyone tell you to move to another country because you don't support President Bush or the War? I have. :-(

Anonymous said...

Bush is an idiot

Anonymous said...

El Shrubbo is a lifetime failure. He has never (and I do mean never) done anything successfully.

With that kind of a history, you certainly can't go around talking about how great you are. The only recourse you have (as a politician) is to try to demonize anyone who might be capable of knocking you off your position.

This is what El Shrubbo did to the honorable former POW, John MCCain, and the honorable Navy veteran, John Kerry. In this he was heavily aided and abetted by people of the same spineless character and lack of moral scruples as himself, like "El Oxybo" Limbaugh, "Slanthead" Hannity, etc. And now, even the MSM has become yet another cheerleading squad for the Chimp in Chief.

The noise machine that is necessary to keep El Shrubbo in the saddle must be run at full tilt at all times, because if they ever stop making noise long enough for people to actually study what El Shrubbo has done and is still doing, he will wind up out of a job, at the very least.

These men are despicable, corrupt, and don't give a damn who they have to destroy in order to maintain their positions.

Anonymous said...

this is called 'thoughtcrime'