
Friday, June 10, 2005

So What's Your Opinion?

I was watching the news today and saw a report about a 12 year old girl in Texas who was taken from her parents by Child Protective Services because she had been suffering from Cancer, completed chemotherapy, and her doctors wanted her to start radition therapy. The girl and her parents said no, so the Dr's called the Police, who came and took the girl. Late this afternoon, a judge ordered her to undergo radiation therapy. So my question is: Do you think this action was justified, or are we going into Terri Schaivo part 2? I don't know what to make of this!


Anonymous said...

I have heard snippets of this, but not enough to form a coherent opinion. Why is Texas so adamant about it? Doctors?

Mary said...

I just hate reading stories like this! Isn't it time we got the government out of our lives? I guess whne I was a kid, I still had some respect for the medical profession, but those days are long gone! Now I think the only people that doctors listen are the drug company salespeople. Grrrrrr.....