
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Words Can Hurt

People always ask me why I'm so uptight about getting picked on in school. I'll tell ya why! It really does hurt hearing people make wisecracks about your weight and calling you all sorts of names every day for 12 years. Sometimes, hurtful words can stick in a person's mind for their entire lives, and the effect can be devastating. As you can tell from some of my posts, it has hurt me emensly. The way I was treated has made me severly shy, I'm vitrually afraid of being around people, and it has just messed my mind up generally. It would be so nice if people of all ages could think about what they say before they say it!

1 comment:

Danieru said...

don't worry big fella. they'll be the ones crying in ten years. strive for the stars!