
Monday, February 20, 2006

Presidents' Day

As a student of History, and expecially dealing with the Presidents, here are some random opininions of some of the Presidents, in no particular order.

Washington: He got the US off to a good start, had to make things up as he went.
J. Adams: How do you live up to your predecsssor, a Living Legend?
J.Q. Adams: Son of a Pres., won a election under dubious circumstances. Sound Familiar?
G.W. Bush: There is not enough words in the Human Language or enough space online for me
to voice the contempt I have for this idiot.
Clinton: Despite his faults, the man got things done!
G.H.W. Bush: I guess dumbness does run in the family!
Grant: One of our greatest generals, one of our worst Presidents.
Carter: Too much of a nice guy, should have been tougher.
Reagan: I think he was senile long before he left office!
Wilson: Who says Democrats can't win a war?
F.D. Roosevelt: He saved the U.S. more than a few times
Hoover: Like the Vacuum, he sucked!
Eisenhower: The anti-Grant.
Buchanan: Call him Nero, he did nothing while the Union fell apart.
Lincoln: Saved the country, but at a price.
Harding: Even Republicans fool around on their wives!
Taft: He's OK in my book, we fat guys have to stick together!
Pierce, Fillmore: Space fillers.
A. Johnson: The Clinton of his time: Southern Dem. marked for destruction by a hostile congress.
Hayes: What Dubya's presidency would be like if the Dems were in control of congress.
Kennedy: Too much of a playboy.
L.B. Johnson: Could have been a good one if not for Vietnam
Nixon: You were a crook, you idiot!
Jefferson: A genius
Madison: The little guy kept us from becoming British Colonies Again
T. Roosevelt: Even though he was a Rep., I'd vote for him. Today's Reps wouldnt like him since
he wanted to save the environment.
Coolidge: Gets points for being shy and quiet like me.
Jackson: Too much of a hothead
And that's just a few of em!

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