
Friday, July 29, 2005

A reason why People should need a license to become a parent

The past 2 weeks, I have seen on the news 2 cases that make me think that people should have to get a license in order to have kids:

Case No.1: A lady ties up her 6 year old son, and drowns him in the bathtub.

Case No.2: As punishment for not being good, a mother throws her 4 year old son out of the car,
and when he tries to run after her, she runs him down.

I tell ya, what is wrong with people these days?

1 comment:

Sudiegirl said...


I work for Child and Family Services Agency here in DC, and it was very saddening to see that story in the news.

It also makes me very thankful that I don't have children because I have bipolar disorder, and I know I am not equipped. I wish everyone would think about the big picture before they become fertilized.

Good writing...