I’m sure you, Peter Green and Bob Welch are rocking in the afterlife.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Blood On Their Hands
Hate filled rantings and lies spewed by right wingers have cost more innocent lives. How many more Gay, Bi, or Trans people will die before people start to say Enough Is Enough? In a previous post, we said that there was a difference between being offended by something and being harmed by it. If you have objections to the LBGTQ lifestyle, that’s fine. But that is no reason to resort to violence!
Thursday, November 17, 2022
There Is A Difference
Between something offending you and being physically harmed by it. Looking at you, gay bashers or abortion foes.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Sunday, November 13, 2022
This Election Goes To Show You
That prognosticators are wrong most of the time, and that we really don’t know what will happen until the votes are actually cast and counted!
Wednesday, November 09, 2022
Time To Break Up The GOP?
The Republican Party in its current form cannot remain a viable entity as long as the crazies are allowed to run the show. Perhaps it’s time that ordinary common sense R’s such as Chris Sununu and John Kasich form their own conservative party, and leave the MAGA nuts such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert to fend for themselves. It ‘s good for a country to have more than one political party involved in government, but when one is hijacked by a throng of conspiracy theory spouting lunatics, something has to be done.