
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Get Your Priorities Straight!


Wars Going On Across The World

People Starving

And all everyone cares about is if 2 people of the same sex want to get married?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Paula Deen-A Case Of Foot In Mouth Disease

What is your opinion of Paula Deen being fired by the Food Network for her admission that she used the N word and wanted to make a plantation era party complete with black men dressed as servants?  One the one hand, she is a 60 plus year old Daughter of the South, growing up during the beginnings of the Civil Rights era, and probably picked up some of the language from her parents. On the other hand, she probably should have did a bit of thinking before she spoke. We  don’t know what’s in her heart, so we have to believe that her apology is sincere. Hopefully this will make her a better person in the end.

Friday, June 14, 2013



I love the summer, especially the evening when I can sit out on my porch, look around, and enjoy Nature!