
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Podcast For Tuesday’s Show 8-24-10

Click Here To Listen To Or Download!

A Funny/Embarrassing

At the house I lived in before we moved to West VA, the bathroom door knob didn't work too well.  When you closed the door, the knob would lock and not move sometimes.  One day, during my spring break in 7th grade, I woke up, went to the bathroom, and as I usually do, closed the door, even though I was the only one at home, and wouldnt ya know it, the door wouldn't open!  So here I am for a good 4 hours banging on the door trying to get it open.  Finally,  my Mom came home from work for lunch, and got me out, it was 1 in the afternoon and here I was still in a tshirt and underwear!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Podcast For Friday’s Show 8-6-10

Click Here To Listen To Or Download!

My Birthday Wish List

It's that time again, my birthday will be on the 1st of September! If you wanna send me something, here's some ideas:
All 3 seasons of Star Trek on DVD
In plain Sight seasonss 1-3 on DVD
Any good ship or plan models
Any good books
A new combo DVD/VCR
A girlfriend
And of course, that old standard MONEY