
Saturday, August 22, 2009


Yesterday, I received some very shocking news.  The Brother In Law of a friend of mine, whom  I will not name in order to protect their privacy, committed suicide.  I don’t know how anyone could take their own life. The guy had a good job, a good marriage, with a baby on the way.  Suicide is such a selfish act.  Not only is it a permanent solution for a temporary problem, think of all the other people it affects. His parents are without a son, his wife (my friend’s sister) will have to raise a child that will never know her father, and all of his friends have lost someone.  Just gets you thinking and shaking your head…… If you know someone who is  thinking of killing themselves, GET THEM HELP!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Making Peace With My Past

I’ve decided to end my over 20 year war with the people who picked on me in school.  Yeah, it hurt me, but after a nice talk with Miss Nicie,  I’ve come to realize that it was just kids being kids, and it’s time to get over it and get on with my life!  Dwelling on the past is not good for one’s mental health.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Neat Fact

Whilst Surfing The web, I found out that the Christian Singer Toby Mac went to the same intermediate school that I did. Luther Jackson Intermediate School in Fairfax, VA.  He’s The same age as my sister Lori, so they were probably there at the same time. Hope his experience there was better then mine was!