
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

So Tell Me JD

Because I’m a single 50ish guy with no kids, just cats and dogs, that means I shouldn’t be allowed to vote?

Monday, July 29, 2024

To My Fellow Christians Of The More Extreme Persuasion

You have the nerve to cry persecution when someone criticizes you when you bash people you don’t agree with such as LGBTQ people or people of other religions. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Take A Bow Joe

For more then 50 years, you’ve been one of this country’s greatest public servants, from City Council, to Senate, to VP, and President. Well done, Sir, enjoy your retirement!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

In The Right Place At The Right Time For The Right Reasons

Last week, my pastor gave a very profound sermon in church. In it, he gave an example of how God sent events in motion years before to bring people together in a certain situation.  I know that that has occurred in my life.  As much as a miss living where I grew up in Virginia, I think it was His will that caused us to move here to West Virginia where I live now.  Back in 1997, a friend of my Mom’s from her work invited Mom to her church.  Mom asked me to come along.  I did, even though it made me feel very uncomfortable, since I knew none of the people there at church, and since I’m a bit on the shy side, I was afraid that someone would make a wisecrack about my weight.  Amazingly, no one did, so I decided to go the next week. And the next week, and the next week…until I was finally saved in September of 97, and I haven’t looked back since.  I don’t think I would have had the chance to come to God if I had not relocated.  So God does know what he’s doing!

Monday, July 01, 2024

An Uninvited Guest

Last Saturday, I washed clothes, folded them up, put them in my basket and sat them on top of my washing machine;. Sunday, I went to put them away, and found that a mouse had done his business on them.  I went to dump them out on my bed, looking to see if any damage was done, and said mouse hopped out of the basket and went on his merry way.  How crazy!